Identity Check

Identity Transaction Events

The response will share details around the KYC status of a user.


Identity Check Updated Event Examples

createdAtstringTime at which the object was created. Returned as an ISO 8601 string.
customerIdstringThe identifier of the customer the transaction is associated with.
escalationReasonsWhether or not the user KYC was reviewed and the reason
externalCustomerIdstring | nullAn identifier associated with the customer, provided by you.
idstringUnique identifier for the currency.
levelnumberKnow Your Customer (KYC) level of the user
rejectTypestring | null
resultstringWhether the user successfully passed or failed their KYC with MoonPay clear rejected
resultDescriptionstring | nullThe user's KYC failure reason
statusstringThe user's KYC status.
updatedAtstringTime at which the object was last updated. Returned as an ISO 8601 string.