Sandbox Testing Guide

🏖️ Sandbox environment for all your development needs

MoonPay provides a dedicated sandbox environment designed for integration development and testing. Leveraging this sandbox helps you identify potential issues early, ensures compatibility, and minimizes risks during deployment.

Initialize the MoonPay Widget

Initialize the MoonPay widget using your test API key with our SDK or with a simple URL ( Your API KEY can be found on the Developers Page in your MoonPay dashboard.

Create a Sandbox Test Account

Know Your Customer (KYC) information entered will not be validated and when asked for documents you can skip by clicking on the below button.

Our Sandbox Supports the Following Testnet Tokens.

  1. Bitcoin - Testnet3
  2. Ethereum & ERC20 Tokens - Sepolia (ERC-20 token transfers will use our ERC-20 MoonPayToken
  3. Solana - Testnet
  4. Binance Coin - Testnet
  5. TON - Testnet
  6. Stellar - Testnet
  7. Litecoin - Testnet

Adding a Payment Method

At the payment screen choose the debit/credit card option and enter one of the following test card numbers. Do not enter authentic payment card information, as this will result in a failed transaction.

Card TypeCard NumberExpirationCVC code
MasterCard 3DS Challenge (USA)5385 3083 6013 518112/2030123
Visa 3DS Frictionless (UK)4485 0403 7153 658412/2030123
Visa 3DS Challenge (UK)4242 4242 4242 424212/2030123

Test Card for Declined Transactions

Card typeCard numberExpirationCVC code
Visa Insufficient funds4544 2491 6767 367012/2030123

Test Card for Off-Ramp Payouts

Card typeCard numberExpirationCVC code
Visa Direct payout4000 0209 5159 503212/2030123

Sandbox Failure Reasons

  • Transaction processing failed may happen when the testnet wallet is empty or you used the wrong card. Please reach out to your MoonPay representative.
  • Your Region is Not Supported means MoonPay may not support your country or the cryptocurrency is unsupported in your region. New York, USA is not supported in sandbox but is supported in production.
  • You've made too many actions or You can't perform this action means you have been rate limited. This happens when we detect unusual behavior and is not uncommon for partners to experience this while testing. The recommendation is to wait ~20 minutes before trying again.
  • Account is restricted or blocked may happen if you are using a production MoonPay user account in sandbox or entered otherwise triggered one of our automated flags for suspicious behavior.