

In this Quickstart, you will embed our Top-up component to your website with your selected top-up methods.

What you will accomplish

In this tutorial, you will:

  • Configure Top-up component in your local environment
    • Create a new folder for code
    • Initialize the component in a file using HTML and JavaScript
    • Edit the required parameters
    • Display the fully functional widget locally in your browser


Before beginning, you will need:

  • A MoonPay account: If you do not have one, set one up on this page.
  • An IDE (coding software): Some popular ones are Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ WebStorm. We will be using Visual Studio Code in this tutorial.
  • A web browser: Any web browser will work. We will be using Google Chrome in this tutorial.


Step 1: Set up a file for your integration

In your IDE, create a new file for you Top-up code. You can call it top-up.html.

Step 2: Retrieve API keys from the MoonPay Dashboard

  • Navigate to your MoonPay Dashboard and log in.

  • Once logged in, navigate to the Developers tab on the sidebar → API Keys.

    • Here, you will be able to copy your API keys. In this tutorial, we will be using the publishable test key.

Step 3: Insert HTML and code into top-up.html

  • The code below will embed Top-up component directly as an iframe into your HTML by way of <script> tags.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>MoonPay Integration</title>

    <!-- Adds the MoonPay SDK as a script to your HTML file -->
    <script defer src="https://static.moonpay.com/web-sdk/v1/moonpay-web-sdk.min.js"></script>

    <!-- Initialize the MoonPay SDK immediately upon page load -->
       const config = {
        	apiKey: "pk_test_123",
          	enabledMethods: ['dex', 'mesh', 'moonpay-balance', 'fiat', 'onramper'],
          	apiKey: 'pk_test_123',
          	walletAddress: '0xee78Fa1df550A70B0BF3360FCE4c566f890c4DBD',
          	currencyCode: 'usdc_sol',
        	dexSettings: {
          	fromToken: {
    				chainName: 'ethereum',
            	currencyCode: 'eth',
          	toToken: {
            	chainName: 'solana',
  				defaultAmount: 1
        	fiatSettings: {
          	baseCurrencyAmount: 100,
          	baseCurrencyCode: 'USD'
        document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
          const moonpaySdk = window.MoonPayWebSdk.init({
            flow: "partnerTopup",
            environment: "sandbox",
            variant: "overlay",
            params: config

          // Open widget
    <div class="container">

  • This script will detect when the HTML page loads and immediately run the JavaScript within the <script> tags when the load has finished. Remember to replace pk_test with your publishable API key from Step 1.
  • You can customize fiat-to-crypto functionality (currencies, amounts, etc.) by adding and removing parameters in the JavaScript (fiatSettings), whilst still preserving proper formatting.

Step 4: Sign your URL

MoonPay is highly committed to security. For this reason, whenever sensitive information such as emails or wallet addresses are transmitted to the widget, you are required to use the signature parameter, otherwise, the MoonPay widget will not load. This measure makes it more difficult for unauthorized third parties to misuse the the widget's pre-fill feature.

A signed URL helps limit access from unauthorized third parties by providing limited permissions and time to make a request. Passing the signature parameter is mandatory if you're using the walletAddress or walletAddresses parameter and it must be appended at the end of the URL. If your widget URL contains sensitive information, we strongly recommend using the signature parameter.

You can generate a signature of the URL server-side and append it to the end of the URL. If the signature is provided, we'll check the validity of the query string to make sure it has not been altered. If the signature is invalid for any reason the MoonPay widget will fail to load.

How to sign URLs

Follow these steps for signing URLs:

  1. Send your widget URL to your backend server.
  2. Generate the signature using the secret key found in your MoonPay dashboard.
  • Use your own code to generate signatures and sign URLs
  • Alternatively, use our Node SDK to generate signatures, sign URLs, and validate signatures.
  1. Return either the signature or entire signed URL.
  • If using a SDK, return the signature and use updateSignature. Do not encode the signature, as the SDK handles this.
  • If using a URL-based integration, return the entire signed URL. Ensure that the value of signature and other parameters are URL-encoded.
  1. Show the widget using the SDK or URL.


Returning the signature vs entire signed URL

Integrations using an SDK: Return the signature by itself and use updateSignature

Integrations using URLs: Return the entire signed URL

How to generate signatures

  1. Create an HMAC (Hash-Based Message Authentication Code) using the SHA-256 hash function.
    1. Use your secret API key as the key and the original URL's query string as the message.
  2. For URL-based integrations, make sure all query parameter values are URL-encoded before creating the signature.


All query parameter values (not the entire query string) need to be URL-encoded before generating the signature in order for it to be valid.

Code examples

Integrations using an SDK

Integrations using a web or mobile SDK should calculate the signature, then return the signature by itself, not URL-encoded.

More details about signing with each SDK:

import crypto from 'crypto';

const secretKey = 'sk_test_key';  // Use your secret key

const generateSignature = (url) => {
  const signature = crypto
    .createHmac('sha256', secretKey)
    .update(new URL(url).search) // Use the query string part of the URL
    .digest('base64'); // Convert the result to a base64 string

  console.log(signature) // Print the signature
  return signature // Return the signature
$host = 'https://buy-sandbox.moonpay.com';  // Base URL
$query = '?apiKey=pk_test_key&currencyCode=eth&walletAddress=0xde0b295669a9fd93d5f28d9ec85e40f4cb697bae';  // Query parameters

$secretKey = 'sk_test_key';  // Your secret key

// Create the HMAC SHA-256 hash and encode it in base64
$signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $query, $secretKey, true));

echo $signature;  // Print the signature

Integrations using URLs

Integrations generating widget URLs should calculate the signature, URL-encode the signature, then return the whole signed URL.

import crypto from 'crypto';

const originalUrl = 'https://buy-sandbox.moonpay.com?apiKey=pk_test_key&currencyCode=eth&walletAddress=0xde0b295669a9fd93d5f28d9ec85e40f4cb697bae';

const signature = crypto
  .createHmac('sha256', 'sk_test_key')  // Use your secret key
  .update(new URL(originalUrl).search)  // Use the query string part of the URL
  .digest('base64');  // Convert the result to a base64 string

const urlWithSignature = `${originalUrl}&signature=${encodeURIComponent(signature)}`;  // Add the signature to the URL

console.log(urlWithSignature);  // Print the signed URL
$host = 'https://buy-sandbox.moonpay.com';  // Base URL
$query = '?apiKey=pk_test_key&currencyCode=eth&walletAddress=0xde0b295669a9fd93d5f28d9ec85e40f4cb697bae';  // Query parameters

$secretKey = 'sk_test_key';  // Your secret key

// Create the HMAC SHA-256 hash and encode it in base64
$signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $query, $secretKey, true));

// URL encode the signature
$encodedSignature = urlencode($signature);

// Combine the base URL, query parameters, and the signature
$signedUrl = $host . $query . "&signature=" . $encodedSignature;

echo $signedUrl;  // Print the signed URL



The API gateway of some cloud providers change your parameter's order, resulting in a failed signature validation.

Step 5: Do a test transaction

  • The first step of processing a test transaction using the MoonPay Top-up is to make sure that you are using sandbox API key. This will make sure you will be doing a test transaction (excluding Mesh which at the moment we are not supporting test mode for but will do soon).
  • Next, select your desired top-up method and follow the steps.
  • Next, go and grab the Test Credit Card from this page of our documentation.