GET: Contract Information
Returns contract information which can be used to track the status or populate storefronts. The contract id for a contract can be found on the UI.
Gets Contract Information
Requires authentication for draft or deploying contracts. Allows unauthenticated access for contracts that have been fully deployed, but only reveals information that is publicly available on the blockchain. This can be used to power storefronts, particularly through the HyperMint Client SDK.
Parameter | Description |
HM_ACCESS_KEY | HyperMint Access Key |
HM_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET | HyperMint Access Key Secret |
Code | Meaning |
🟢 200: OK | Returns contract information which can be used to track the status or populate storefronts |
🟠 404: Not Found | Unable to find details for the give contract ID |
interface ContractResponse{
id: string;
name: string;
symbol: string;
status: NFTContractStatus;
allowBuyOnNetwork: boolean;
network: {
type: NetworkType;
environment: NetworkEnvironment;
chain?: NetworkChain;
contractAddress?: string;
contractType: NFTContractType;
customerAddress: string;
useManagedAccessList: boolean;
metadata: {
type: NFTContractMetadataType;
contractUrl?: string;
tokenUrl?: string;
publicSaleAt?: Date;
saleClosesAt?: Date;
erc721Price?: number;
erc721MaxPerTransaction?: number;
enableOpenSeaOperatorFilterRegistry: boolean;
enum NFTContractStatus {
Draft = 'Draft',
Deploying = 'Deploying',
Deployed = 'Deployed'
enum NetworkType {
Ethereum = 'Ethereum',
Polygon = 'Polygon',
Solana = 'Solana'
enum NetworkEnvironment {
Emulator = 'Emulator',
Testnet = 'Testnet',
Mainnet = 'Mainnet'
enum NetworkChain {
EVMLocal = 0,
Ethereum = 1,
Ropsten = 3,
Rinkeby = 4,
Polygon = 137,
Mumbai = 80001
enum NFTContractType {
ERC721 = 'ERC721',
ERC1155 = 'ERC1155'
enum NFTContractMetadataType {
None = 'None',
Hosted = 'Hosted',
Url = 'Url'
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Updated about 1 year ago