You can customize how the MoonPay widget looks to match the branding of your website and provide a more native user experience. We call those customizations a theme.

What can be customized?

Theme elements that can currently be customized include:

  • Logo in header
  • Colors, including support for light and dark mode
  • Corner radius buttons
  • Corner radius of foreground elements
    • Icons
    • Platters
    • Input fields

Theme elements that will be customizable soon include:

  • Size configurations
    • Default
    • Compact
    • Pinned left or right full height

How can I create my theme?

Themes are created specifically for your website or application and will have an associated themeId that you include when initializing the Web SDK.

We are currently developing a self-serviced "build your own theme" feature. In the meantime, we'll create the theme for you, you just have to contact your Partner Success Manager.

How can I use a theme?

Once you have a themeId, you can include it in the parameters property of your SDK configuration. When the SDK is initialized with a valid themeId, the widget will load with the custom theme created for your application.