Event properties
Properties for widget SDK events
Ramps events documentation
Type Aliases
Ƭ CryptoCurrency: Object
Represents a Crypto currency such as ETH
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
chainId | string | null | The chain's Chain ID |
code | string | The code of the currency such as "eth" |
coinType | string | null | The coin type as defined in SLIP-0044 |
contractAddress | string | null | The address location of the token contract on the blockchain |
id | string | The identifier of the crypto currency |
name | string | The human readable name of the currency such as "Ethereum" |
networkCode | string | null | The currency's network such as "bitcoin" or "ethereum" |
Ƭ FiatCurrency: Object
Represents a Fiat currency such as USD
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
code | string | The code of the currency such as "usd" |
id | string | The identifier of the fiat currency |
name | string | The human readable name of the currency such as "US Dollar" |
Ƭ OnAuthTokenProps: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
csrfToken | string | The customer's CSRF token. Only provided to authorized integrations. |
token | string | The customer's authentication token. Only provided to authorized integrations. |
Ƭ OnInitiateDepositProps: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
cryptoCurrency | CryptoCurrency | The crypto currency that is being off-ramped |
cryptoCurrencyAmount | string | Crypto amount in its base unit (0.123 ETH === "0.123") |
cryptoCurrencyAmountSmallestDenomination | string | Crypto amount in its smallest unit (1 ETH === 1x10^18) |
depositWalletAddress | string | The wallet address where the crypto amount needs to be deposited |
fiatCurrency | FiatCurrency | The fiat currency that the customer will receive |
fiatCurrencyAmount | string | null | Fiat amount in its base unit ($1.23 === "1.23"). Only set for fixed quotes. |
transactionId | string | The identifier of the transaction |
Ƭ OnInitiateDepositReplyProps: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
depositId | string | The partner's identifier for a successful deposit. Can be any string, eg the transaction hash. |
Ƭ OnLoginProps: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
isRefresh | boolean | If true, the customer didn't actually log in but rather their authentication was refreshed. |
Ƭ OnTransactionCreatedProps: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
baseCurrency | FiatCurrency | The base (fiat) currency |
baseCurrencyAmount | number | The spent fiat amount |
id | string | The identifier of the transaction |
status | TransactionStatus | SellTransactionStatus | The current status of the transaction |
Ƭ OnTransactionCompletedProps: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
areFeesIncluded | boolean | Whether the base currency amount includes fees |
baseCurrency | FiatCurrency | The base (fiat) currency |
baseCurrencyAmount | number | The spent fiat amount |
createdAt | string | When the transaction was created |
extraFeeAmount | number | The partner's fee amount, in the fiat currency |
feeAmount | number | The MoonPay fee amount, in the fiat currency |
id | string | The identifier of the transaction |
networkFeeAmount | number | The network fees incurred in this transaction, in the fiat currency |
quoteCurrency | CryptoCurrency | The quote (crypto) currency |
quoteCurrencyAmount | number | The expected or received quote amount |
status | TransactionStatus | The current status of the transaction |
walletAddress | string | The customer's destination wallet address |
walletAddressTag | string | null | The customer's destination wallet address tag |
Ƭ TransactionStatus: "completed"
| "failed"
| "pending"
| "waitingAuthorization"
| "waitingPayment"
Ƭ SellTransactionStatus: "completed"
| "failed"
| "pending"
| "waitingForDeposit"
Updated about 1 year ago