Launch Your Collection

Deploy to Testnet
The first step to launching your collection is to deploy your contract to the blockchain Testnet: Mumbai for Polygon and Sepolia for Ethereum.

Once the deployment is in progress, you'll get a view of the contract activity on the Collection Details page and see when deployment as completed. You can now test minting on the deployed contract using the Airdrop tool or using the claim widget URI.

Clone Contract to Mainnet
If you are on Testnet environment, in order to deploy your contract to Mainnet, you will need to 'Clone' your Testnet contract to copy over all of the settings you noted in the contract, but switch environments to Mainnet which will enable you to publish the smart contract on the blockchain.

Confirm the Tokens have be cloned correctly and then you'll be ready to deploy the contract to Mainnet!

YOU DID IT! You have officially created your own web3 experience end to end. You can continue to create new contracts for new projects and collections you are working on. Enjoy!
Storefront Demo
If you do not have a storefront, we provide one to you which you can see via the 'View Demo' button in the top right hand corner. This demo can be customized to your branding needs geared towards your collection.

If you already have a storefront or website that you have created for where users can purchase your NFT Collection, then you can visit the 'Developers' tab to add this code into your website. For additional web3 support for your website, please visit the pages for the APIs and SDK for how to connect to our capabilities.

Something not quite right, unclear or can't find what you are looking for? Please let us know at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Updated about 1 year ago
Interested in learning more on how to power your customized experience? Head over to the Developers section!