HyperMint APIs
The HyperMint API allows you to maintain and interact with contracts created and deployed through the UI.
Below provided is a Postman collection for the HyperMint APIs.
"info": {
"_postman_id": "55cdd81f-5fb5-497d-a977-0ab5e15e275c",
"name": "HyperMint API",
"description": "A Postman collection of the entire HyperMint API.",
"schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json",
"_exporter_id": "25703927"
"item": [
"name": "Upload Contract/Token Metadata Media",
"item": [
"name": "Contract Image",
"request": {
"method": "PUT",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"body": {
"mode": "formdata",
"formdata": [
"key": "media",
"description": "File. Accepted media types: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF or SVG.",
"type": "file",
"src": []
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/metadata-image",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "1d51fcad-b3d3-4ef3-a2ab-fda3b47b0283",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"response": []
"name": "Token Image",
"request": {
"method": "PUT",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"body": {
"mode": "formdata",
"formdata": [
"key": "media",
"description": "File. Accepted media types: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF or SVG.",
"type": "file",
"src": []
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/contract/:contractId/token/:tokenId/metadata-image",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"key": "tokenId",
"value": "",
"description": "The ID of the token you'd like to modify."
"response": []
"name": "Animation File (animation_url)",
"request": {
"method": "PUT",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"body": {
"mode": "formdata",
"formdata": [
"key": "media",
"description": "File. Accepted media types: MP4, WEBM, MP3, WAV, OGG, GLB, GLTF.",
"type": "file",
"src": []
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/contract/:contractId/token/:tokenId/metadata-animation",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"key": "tokenId",
"value": "",
"description": "The ID of the token you'd like to modify."
"response": []
"name": "Get Contract Information",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "0x31d3e5dbb74fbc61ebb7559a0dff6088076a7675",
"disabled": true
"key": "",
"value": "",
"disabled": true
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"response": []
"name": "Create Draft Contract",
"request": {
"method": "PUT",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "{\n \"name\": \"Add Name Here\",\n \"network\":{ \n \"type\": \"Ethereum\",\n \"environment\": \"Testnet\",\n \"chain\": \"Goerli\",\n \"recoveryAddress\": \"Add wallet address here\",\n \"presaleAddress\": \"Add wallet address here\",\n \"customerPrimaryRoyaltyAddress\": \"Add wallet address here\",\n \"collectionOwnerAddress\": \"Add wallet address here\",\n \"contractType\": \"ERC721\",\n \"useManagedAccessList\": false,\n \"usePrimarySaleSplitter\": false,\n \"secondaryRoyaltyAddress\": \"Add wallet address here\",\n \"useSecondarySaleSplitter\": false\n },\n \"symbol\": \"SYMB\",\n \"allowBuyOnNetwork\": false,\n \"metadata\": {\n \"type\": \"Hosted\",\n \"contractUrl\": \"www.moonpay.com\",\n \"tokenUrl\": \"www.moonpay.com\",\n \"description\": \"A really cool NFT.\",\n \"externalLink\": \"www.moonpay.com\"\n },\n \"publicSaleAt\": \"2023-02-20T18:40:16.128Z\", \n \"saleClosesAt\": \"2023-07-20T18:40:16.128Z\", \n \"secondarySaleBasisPoints\": \"100\",\n \"erc721Price\": \"0\", \n \"erc721MaxPerTransaction\": \"0\",\n \"allowBuyWithMoonPay\": false,\n \"enableOpenSeaOperatorFilterRegistry\": false\n}",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"response": []
"name": "Deploy Contract",
"request": {
"method": "PATCH",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/deploy/:contractId",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"response": []
"name": "Get Tokens",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/tokens",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"response": []
"name": "Get Token Information",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/token/:tokenId",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"key": "tokenId",
"value": "",
"description": "ID of the token you'd like to see."
"response": []
"name": "Authorise Buy",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/token/:tokenId/authorise-buy?address=&amount=",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "address",
"value": "",
"description": "User's wallet address"
"key": "amount",
"value": "",
"description": "Number of tokens you would like to allow to be purchased."
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"key": "tokenId",
"value": "",
"description": "ID of the token."
"response": []
"name": "Mint Token",
"request": {
"method": "PUT",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "{\n \"address\": \"Add wallet address.\",\n \"tokens\": [\n {\n \"id\": 0,\n \"amount\": 5\n }\n ]\n}\n",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/mint",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"response": []
"name": "Get Mint Status",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/mint/:mintId",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"key": "mintId",
"value": "",
"description": "Mint ID returned by \"Mint Token\"."
"response": []
"name": "Get Mints of Contract",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/mints?address=",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "address",
"value": "",
"description": "Contract address"
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"response": []
"name": "Get Owned Tokens",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/tokens/owners/:walletAddress",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"key": "walletAddress",
"value": "",
"description": "User's wallet address."
"response": []
"name": "Transfer Token",
"request": {
"method": "PUT",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"body": {
"mode": "formdata",
"formdata": [
"key": "address",
"value": "",
"description": "String: Add wallet address",
"type": "text"
"key": "tokenId",
"value": "",
"description": "Number: Add token ID #",
"type": "text"
"key": "amount",
"value": "",
"description": "Number: Add desired transfer amount",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/transfer",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"response": []
"name": "Get Transfer Status",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/transfer/:transferId",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"key": "transferId",
"value": "",
"description": "Transfer ID outputted from then \"Transfer Token\" function."
"response": []
"name": "Update Contract Name & Symbol",
"request": {
"method": "PATCH",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"body": {
"mode": "formdata",
"formdata": [
"key": "name",
"value": "",
"description": "String: Add contract name",
"type": "text"
"key": "symbol",
"value": "",
"description": "String: Add symbol (ex. SMBL)",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/update-name-and-symbol",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"response": []
"name": "Update Contract (ERC721)",
"request": {
"method": "PATCH",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "{\n \"name\": \"Add contract name\",\n \"symbol\": \"SMBL\",\n \"network\": {\n \"type\": \"Ethereum\",\n \"environment\": \"Testnet\",\n \"chain\": \"Goerli\",\n \"recoveryAddress\": \"Add wallet address.\",\n \"collectionOwnerAddress\": \"Add wallet address.\",\n \"customerPrimaryRoyaltyAddress\": \"Add wallet address.\"\n},\n \"secondarySalesBasisPoints\": \"0\",\n \"erc721TotalSupply\": \"100\",\n \"erc721MaxPerTransaction\": \"1\",\n \"erc721Price\": \"0\"\n}",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"response": []
"name": "Update Contract Metadata URLs",
"request": {
"method": "PATCH",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "{\n \"contractMetadataUrl\": \"Example: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmaD5i8TabAsi83LdCeKpEPWUpRCTCD2qimiE6oHXqhwje\",\n \"tokenMetadataUrl\": \"Example: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmPtGwEGvVnq1wE9Drt3hQV6msAfRGtptvAMLiYQ7ZPLZE/\"\n}",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/update-metadata-urls",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"response": []
"name": "Update Contract Buy on Network",
"request": {
"method": "PATCH",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "{\n \"allowBuyOnNetwork\": false\n}",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/update-buy-on-network",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"response": []
"name": "Update Contract Dates",
"request": {
"method": "PATCH",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"body": {
"mode": "formdata",
"formdata": [
"key": "publicSaleAt",
"value": "undefined",
"description": "Date format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ",
"type": "text",
"disabled": true
"key": "saleClosesAt",
"value": "2023-02-08T17:00:00-05:00",
"description": "Date format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/update-dates",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"response": []
"name": "Add Access List Addresses",
"request": {
"method": "PUT",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "{\n \"addresses\": [{\n \"address\":\"Add wallet address.\",\n \"name\": \"Wallet 1\"\n }]\n}",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/access-list/:accessListId/addresses",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "accessListId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Access List ID from the \"Access Lists\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"response": []
"name": "Add Tokens (ERC1155)",
"request": {
"method": "PUT",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "{\n \"tokens\": [{\n \"price\": 0,\n \"totalSupply\": 1,\n \"maxPerTransaction\": 0\n }]\n}",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/tokens",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"response": []
"name": "Update Token (ERC1155)",
"request": {
"method": "PATCH",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"body": {
"mode": "formdata",
"formdata": [
"key": "price",
"value": "0",
"description": "Number: Price per token",
"type": "text"
"key": "totalSupply",
"value": "2",
"description": "Number: Total token supply",
"type": "text"
"key": "maxPerTransaction",
"value": "0",
"description": "Number: How many tokens a user can buy in one transaction",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/token/:tokenId",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"key": "tokenId",
"value": "",
"description": "ID of the token you'd like to modify."
"response": []
"name": "Get Interaction Status",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/interaction/:interactionId",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "interactionId",
"value": "",
"description": "Interaction ID outputted by any of the Update functions."
"response": []
"name": "Get Contract Hosted Metadata",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/metadata/:contractId",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"response": []
"name": "Get Token Hosted Metadata",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/metadata/:contractId/:tokenId",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"key": "tokenId",
"value": "",
"description": "ID of the token."
"response": []
"name": "Set Token Hosted Metadata",
"request": {
"method": "PATCH",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "{\n \"name\": \"Token Name. ex. Token 1\",\n \"description\": \"Your description.\",\n \"image\": \"www.moonpay.com\",\n \"background_color\": \"0x00000\",\n \"animation_url\": \"www.moonpay.com\",\n \"youtube_url\": \"www.youtube.com/moonpay\",\n \"attributes\": [{\n \"trait_type\": \"Eyes\",\n \"value\": \"Closed\",\n \"display_type\": \"15%\"\n }]\n\n}",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/token/:tokenId/metadata",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": "",
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"key": "tokenId",
"value": "",
"description": "ID of the token you'd like to modify."
"response": []
"name": "Get Token Allocation (currently only supports ERC721)",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/:contractId/tokens/:tokenId/allocation/:address",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": null,
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"key": "tokenId",
"value": null,
"description": "ID of the token you'd like information on."
"key": "address",
"value": null,
"description": "Wallet address of the user."
"response": []
"name": "Verify Token Burn",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "HM_ACCESS_KEY",
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"value": "",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "https://api.hypermint.com/v1/nft-contract/verify-burn/:contractId/:txHash",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "contractId",
"value": null,
"description": "Add your Contract ID from the \"Developers\" tab in the HyperMint console."
"key": "txHash",
"value": null,
"description": "Transaction hash outputted by a burn action."
"response": []
Base URL
The API base url for all requests is https://api.hypermint.com/v1
Content-Type header needs to be set to application/json
Each request must be authenticated using two headers: HM_ACCESS_KEY
The values for these headers can be obtained from the Account page within the API Tokens list.
New tokens can be created at any time by users with the following roles:
- Owner
- Contributor
Tokens allow for a name to be set to keep track of what each token is being used for.
The key can be viewed at anytime as a reference however, the secret is only shown on creation and must be stored securely by yourself.
Tokens grant access to all contracts on an account.
If you believe one of your tokens has become compromised, it can be immediately disabled from the Account page
Never expose these credentials client side as they grant direct access to your contracts and minting. Instead use the Client SDK or proxy requests through your own servers
The following sample can be used to communicate with the API:
const axios = require('axios');
// ...
const response = await axios.get('https://api.hypermint.com/v1/contract/...', {
headers: {
'HM_ACCESS_KEY': 'xxx',
Something not quite right, unclear or can't find what you are looking for? Please let us know at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Updated about 1 year ago